
At TAKK, collecting feedback is considered to be of great importance for the quality, effectiveness and development of training and other services. The received feedback is used to measure the prerequisites for learning and studying, as well as student satisfaction. We systematically review the feedback we receive and develop our operations based on it in a customer-oriented manner.

The student feedback survey in vocational education and training asks students for feedback on the realisation of their studies. Feedback is asked twice during the studies: at the beginning of the studies and at the end of the studies. The feedback is answered by students who complete a part or parts of a vocational qualification or a full vocational qualification.  Feedback is given anonymously.

Tell us what has been successful and what could be done even better. The answers will be used to develop operations. In labour market training not leading to a qualification, feedback is collected using the OPAL system, and national Arvo student feedback on vocational education and training is collected from participants in qualification training.

You can also leave feedback through the website: feedback form on the website (in Finnish). It is processed in TAKK's Communications and forwarded to the relevant field of education or person as necessary.

Non-EU students

From students coming from outside the EU, i.e. on-demand training students, feedback is collected regularly through TAKK’s own feedback systems. The feedback is valuable for developing operations.