Health care

All full-time students studying at TAKK for at least 2 months are entitled to student health care services. Apprentices use the occupational health care services of their own workplace. Students coming from outside the EU are not covered by student health care but are entitled to use public health care services.

Student health care units

Students at Tampereen valtatie campus

Tullinkulma unit
Hammareninkatu 5 B, 3rd floor

  • Telephone for advice and appointment 040 8062 454 Mon – Fri from 8.15 am to 12 noon.
    (text messages on the phone are ignored)
  • You can also book an appointment for a nurse on the website of the wellbeing services county of Pirkanmaa (only in Finnish): Toisen asteen opiskeluterveydenhuolto -
  • Public health nurse's walk-in counselling on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 am to 11 am.

Students at Nirva campus

Nirva campus
Kurssikeskuksenkatu 11
B building, 1st floor

In Nirva, the nurse's appointment is on Wednesday and Thursday. Reception by appointment only.

  • You can reach a public health nurse by phone
    • Mon-Tue and Fri call 040 8062 454 from 8.15 am to 12 noon (Tullinkulma unit) and
    • Wed-Thu call 040 8062 247 or 040 8062 451 from 10 am to 11 am.
  • You can also book an appointment for a nurse on the website of the wellbeing services county of Pirkanmaa (only in Finnish): Toisen asteen opiskeluterveydenhuolto -
  • Public health nurse's walk-in counselling on Thursdays from 10 am to 11 am.

Non-EU students

On-demand training students coming from outside the EU are not entitled to the student health care services (Act on Vocational Education and Training 531/2017, 33 §).

The non-EU students are entitled to use the services of their municipality. Support for referral to services is available from TAKK's own social counsellor.