Entrepreneurship Training

Quick start for Entrepreneurs
The entrepreneurship training is organized in the evenings and aimed at people planning to start a company in Finland. The lessons are completely online (Teams).
- Business models and business plan
- Company forms and contracts
- Products and services
- Sales and marketing
- Taxation and VAT
- Budgeting
The trainers have versatile experience in business operations.
Alkavat koulutukset
Quick start for Entrepreneurs, evening (online)
Education in English Online learning
In the spring of 2025, TAKK will organize entrepreneur training in English from 26 March to 14 April 2025. Ajankohta26.3.2025—14.4.2025 HintaPrice 250 €/student. Sisältö
ToteutusThe entrepreneurship training is organized in the evenings and aimed at people planning to start a company in Finland. The duration of the training is six evenings, two evenings a week, on Mondays and Wednesdays from 5 pm to 8 pm. The lessons are completely online (Teams). HakeutuminenHakuaika: 11.12.2024—14.3.2025The participants are selected in the order of application.
It seems that You are from outside EU. Non EU-students are eligible to apply for tailor-made vocational programs. The non-EU programs are always done in collaboration with a local partner. Read more. LisätiedotElisa Haikala, Teacher, Entrepreneurship Tuija Pohjansaari-Kirmo, Education Coordinator Birgit Aikio, Secretary
Quick start for Entrepreneurs, evening (online)
Muu ammatillinen koulutus Verkko-opiskelu
In the spring of 2025, TAKK will organize entrepreneur training in English from 26 March to 14 April 2025. Ajankohta26.3.2025—14.4.2025 HintaPrice 250 €/student. Sisältö
ToteutusThe entrepreneurship training is organized in the evenings and aimed at people planning to start a company in Finland. The duration of the training is six evenings, two evenings a week, on Mondays and Wednesdays from 5 pm to 8 pm. The lessons are completely online (Teams). HakeutuminenHakuaika: 11.12.2024—14.3.2025The participants are selected in the order of application.
It seems that You are from outside EU. Non EU-students are eligible to apply for tailor-made vocational programs. The non-EU programs are always done in collaboration with a local partner. Read more. LisätiedotElisa Haikala, Teacher, Entrepreneurship Tuija Pohjansaari-Kirmo, Education Coordinator Birgit Aikio, Secretary
Quick start for Entrepreneurs, evening (online)
Online learning Education in English
In the autumn of 2025, TAKK will organize entrepreneur training in English from 6 October to 22 October 2025. Ajankohta6.10.2025—22.10.2025 HintaPrice 250 €/student. Sisältö
ToteutusThe entrepreneurship training is organized in the evenings and aimed at people planning to start a company in Finland. The duration of the training is six evenings, two evenings a week, on Mondays and Wednesdays from 5 pm to 8 pm. The lessons are completely online (Teams). HakeutuminenHakuaika: 23.1.2025—1.10.2025The participants are selected in the order of application.
It seems that You are from outside EU. Non EU-students are eligible to apply for tailor-made vocational programs. The non-EU programs are always done in collaboration with a local partner. Read more. LisätiedotElisa Haikala, Teacher, Entrepreneurship Tuija Pohjansaari-Kirmo, Education Coordinator Birgit Aikio, Secretary
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